
Secure 2.0 Act Seeks to Boost Retirement Readiness
The SECURE 2.0 Act seeks to help Americans of all ages save and plan for retirement.
What Is the 4 Percent Rule?
The 4% rule is a common guideline for how to withdraw money from your retirement portfolio — here’s how it works.
How to Be a Better Investor
Here are six investing principles that may help you become a better investor.
Navigating Your Social Security Statement
Your personal Social Security statement contains estimates of your retirement, disability, and survivor benefits.
4 Money Mistakes You Might Be Making
Avoiding these four money mistakes can help you survive, even thrive, in any economy.
Alternative Investments: The Pros and Cons of Branching Out
Alternative investing involves assets and strategies that go beyond the traditional mix of stocks, bonds, and cash.
What Is a Financial Wellness Plan?
A financial wellness plan is a strategy that strives to address four key objectives.
2025-2026 FAFSA Opens December 1
The 2025–2026 FAFSA is set to open on December 1, the second year in a row it’s been delayed beyond October 1.
How Sequence of Returns Can Affect Your Retirement Savings
Did you know that the sequence in which you earn investment returns can affect how much you end up with?
3 Factors to Consider When Investing for the Long Term
These three factors will typically drive your long-term investment strategy.
4 Things To Do in the 4 Years Before College
These four steps can help you go into the college planning process wisely.

Taking a Financial Inventory
A financial inventory can be done by anyone at any time. It's a good step to getting your financial house in order.
A Tiered Investment Strategy
Find out how a tiered investment strategy can help balance income and growth objectives.
Saving for College with a 529 Plan
Find out how a 529 savings plan can help you save for college.
Handling Market Volatility
These three actions can help you stick to a long-term investing strategy when markets are volatile.
Digital Deception: Watch Out for Cybercrime
As online commerce and recordkeeping have expanded, so has cybercrime.
Leaving Your Employer? Don’t Forget Your Retirement Savings Plan
When leaving your employer you’ll need to decide what to do with the money in your retirement savings plan.

Curious About NFTs? Here's an Introduction
Curious about NFTs? Here an introduction to these unique digital assets.
ETFs vs. Mutual Funds: What's the Difference?
Do you know the key differences between ETFs and mutual funds?
Your Retirement Savings Plan Comes with Tax Benefits
Did you know your workplace retirement plan can help you manage your tax bill, both today and in the future?
Pay Down Loan or Invest
Learn how to analyze whether to pay down a loan or invest extra funds instead.

The Sandwich Generation: Caught in the Middle
Members of the sandwich generation often face financial and emotional stress — here are four tips to help cope.
Securities-Based Lending
Securities-based lending allows securities in an investment portfolio to serve as collateral for a loan.
The Road to Retirement Can Begin at Work
A workplace retirement savings plan offers three key benefits.
The Cost of Waiting to Invest: Effect on Your Wallet Today
See how much you would need to save each month at ages 25, 35, 45, and 55 to reach $1 million at age 65.
The Cost of Waiting to Invest: Effect on Your Wallet Tomorrow
Find out how much you could end up with at age 65 by saving a fixed amount at ages 25, 35, 45, and 55.
Roth IRA Basics
Find out how a Roth IRA can help you build a source of tax-free retirement income.
Wage Growth: Watch for a Tipping Point
The factors that may be restraining workers' wages and the economic implications of continued weakness or a sudden surge.
Financial Planning: Helping You See the Big Picture
Financial planning is a process that can help you reach your financial goals by evaluating your whole financial picture.
Low Volatility: Calm Before the Storm?
Several key factors have helped calm the U.S. stock markets, but consider the potential for future volatility.
The Market's Wild Ride
In the final quarter of 2018, interest-rate fears and unresolved geopolitical issues upset the financial markets and reversed many of the gains notched earlier in the year.
How Pre-Tax Contributions Affect Your Paycheck
The tax implications of retirement plan contributions and the effect on your take-home pay.

Are Your Investment Decisions Influenced by Emotions?
Consider how emotions, such as excitement and fear, can cause you to make counterproductive investment decisions.
Wealth-Building Strategies for HENRYs
Are you a HENRY? Consider these three strategies to help build your wealth.
What Is Socially Responsible Investing?
Socially responsible investing lets people put their money into companies that align with their personal values.
Social Security: When Should You Claim Retirement Benefits?
The amount you'll receive in retirement from Social Security can vary depending on the age when you claim benefits.
Bonds and Bond Mutual Funds 101
Investing in bonds and bond funds can help you pursue financial goals, but consider the risks and rewards first.
Stocks and Stock Mutual Funds 101
Investing in stocks and stock funds can help you pursue financial goals, but consider the risks and rewards first.

Financial Planning: Helping You See the Big Picture
Financial planning is a process that can help you reach your financial goals by evaluating your whole financial picture.
Are Your Investment Decisions Influenced by Emotions?
Consider how emotions, such as excitement and fear, can cause you to make counterproductive investment decisions.
6 Reasons to Work with a Financial Professional
Here are six reasons to work with a financial professional no matter what life stage you’re in.
Do You Know Who Your Beneficiaries Are?
Valuable assets will convey directly to beneficiaries, regardless of instructions in a will.
Should You Pay Off Debt or Save for Retirement?
Should you pay off debt or save for retirement? That’s a good question. These points may help you decide.
Should You Sell When the Market Drops?
The stock market can take investors on a wild ride. Should you consider selling your stocks when the market drops?

Social Security 2025 COLA Is the Lowest in Four Years
The Social Security Administration has announced a 2.5% COLA for 2025 – the smallest increase since 2021.
Staying on Top: 5 Tips for Maintaining a Strong Credit Score
Learn the factors that go into determining your credit score and five tips to maintaining a good score.

Getting Your Financial House in Order: Examining Your Relationship with Money
Everyone has a relationship with money—what’s yours?
Getting Your Financial House in Order: Taking Inventory
Understanding your income and assets can help you identify your cash flow and track your net worth over time.
Getting Your Financial House in Order: Budget and Spending Plans
These two budget strategies can help you plan what you will do with your money.
The Basics of Social Security Retirement Benefits
How much do you know about your Social Security retirement benefits?
3 Potential Benefits of Dollar-Cost Averaging
Dollar-cost averaging is a disciplined investing approach and is one way to ride out market fluctuations.
Women and Money: Taking Charge of Your Financial Future
On their path to financial security, women often face unique financial obstacles.
Putting Together the Retirement Income Puzzle
What key pieces will make up your retirement income puzzle?
Getting Your Financial House in Order: Do I Really Need an Emergency Fund?
Learn why it’s important to have an emergency fund and how to build one.
Getting Your Financial House in Order: Managing Credit and Debt
Managing credit and debt is key to growing financially.
Going Public: Investing in IPOs
A discussion on the initial public offering (IPO) process, recent trends, and risks.
Is the Tech Sector Dominating Your Portfolio?
How technology sector dominance can affect investment portfolios.

Tax Reform: Changes for Businesses
The 2017 tax reform legislation made major changes to the U.S. tax code for businesses.
Going Public: Investing in IPOs
A discussion on the initial public offering (IPO) process, recent trends, and risks.
Automating the American Workforce
What current trends in workforce automation could mean for U.S. workers, industries, and the broader economy.
Tax Reform: Changes for Individuals
In December 2017, Congress passed a sweeping tax-cut package that fundamentally changes the individual tax landscape.
Spotlight on Student Debt
Excessive student loan debt is crushing students, and increasingly, their parents.

Protecting Your Dependents with Life Insurance
Term or whole life? Just be sure you have adequate coverage.

Inflation: The Sneaky Thief
Inflation can be like a thief, sneaking into your portfolio and robbing your money’s purchasing power.
Trade Tariffs
The U.S. is using tariffs to force the hands of trading partners and narrow the deficit. As a result, the disruption of global trade could affect economic growth.
Should You Consider a Health Savings Account?
If you have a high-deductible health plan or are considering enrolling in one, you might also consider a health savings account.
6 Reasons to Work with a Financial Professional
Here are six reasons to work with a financial professional no matter what life stage you’re in.
U.S. Census Results: Takeaways
Here are some key takeaways from the latest U.S. Census population count.
SPACs in the Spotlight
SPACs aren’t new, but economic challenges created by the pandemic have fueled their resurgence.
What’s in Your Social Security Statement?
Did you know you have a personal Social Security statement?
Social Security Announces Biggest COLA in Years
Social Security announces biggest COLA in decades.
Is the Tech Sector Dominating Your Portfolio?
How technology sector dominance can affect investment portfolios.
Should You Consider a Health Savings Account?
If you have a high-deductible health plan or are considering enrolling in one, you might also consider a health savings account.
The Market's Wild Ride
In the final quarter of 2018, interest-rate fears and unresolved geopolitical issues upset the financial markets and reversed many of the gains notched earlier in the year.
Spotlight on Student Debt
Excessive student loan debt is crushing students, and increasingly, their parents.

Protecting Your Dependents with Life Insurance
Term or whole life? Just be sure you have adequate coverage.

The Growth of Socially Responsible Investing
Interest in socially responsible investing has increased dramatically over the past decade.

How Pre-Tax Contributions Affect Your Paycheck
The tax implications of retirement plan contributions and the effect on your take-home pay.
Inflation: The Sneaky Thief
Inflation can be like a thief, sneaking into your portfolio and robbing your money’s purchasing power.
Your Credit Profile: New Protections Help Consumers
Your credit score matters and how recent changes could help you manage and potentially improve your credit.
Handling Market Volatility
Will 2020 bring more market volatility? Here are some tips to deal with market swings.

The SECURE Act Hopes to Make Retirement More Secure
Here are four new rules that could help retirement savers in 2020 and beyond.
The CARES Act May Offer Welcome Relief to Retirement Account Owners
The CARES Act signed into law in 2020 in response to Covid-19 contains four provisions to help retirement savers.
Debt Profile of Older Americans
The percentage of older Americans with debt is at its highest level in 30 years, driven by the 75+ age group.
What Is Socially Responsible Investing?
Socially responsible investing lets people put their money into companies that align with their personal values.
Record Government Spending Boosts Appeal of Tax-Free Income
Record government spending for COVID-19 could lead to higher tax rates, boosting the appeal of tax-free income.
U.S. Census Results: Takeaways
Here are some key takeaways from the latest U.S. Census population count.
SPACs in the Spotlight
SPACs aren’t new, but economic challenges created by the pandemic have fueled their resurgence.
Fed Forecast: Low Rates Ahead
The Federal Reserve did two interesting things in the summer of 2020.
Debt Payoff Methods: Snowball vs. Avalanche
Two popular ways to pay off multiple debts are the snowball and avalanche methods.
Are Value Stocks Poised for a Comeback?
Growth stocks have dominated the market for the last decade, but could value stocks steal the spotlight next?
Inflation: What’s Next?
Inflation went on a tear in 2021, notching the fastest 12-month increase in almost 40 years. What's next?
Inflation: What’s Next?
Inflation went on a tear in 2021, notching the fastest 12-month increase in almost 40 years. What's next?
The Sandwich Generation: Caught in the Middle
Members of the sandwich generation often face financial and emotional stress — here are four tips to help cope.
The Social Security Statement Gets a Makeover
The personal Social Security statement has been redesigned to make it easier to understand — see what's changed.
Leaving Your Employer? Don’t Forget Your Retirement Savings Plan
When leaving your employer you’ll need to decide what to do with the money in your retirement savings plan.
Medical Debt and Your Credit Report: Relief Has Arrived
The way medical debt is reported on credit reports has changed.
Social Security Announces Big COLA for 2023
The Social Security Administration has announced a big cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for 2023.
The Sandwich Generation: Caught in the Middle
Caught in the sandwich generation caring for parents and young or adult children? Here are some tips to cope.
Tax Reform: Changes for Businesses
The 2017 tax reform legislation made major changes to the U.S. tax code for businesses.
3 Potential Benefits of Dollar-Cost Averaging
Dollar-cost averaging is a disciplined investing approach and is one way to ride out market fluctuations.
The Basics of Social Security Retirement Benefits
How much do you know about your Social Security retirement benefits?
Stocks and Stock Mutual Funds 101
Investing in stocks and stock funds can help you pursue financial goals, but consider the risks and rewards first.
Bonds and Bond Mutual Funds 101
Investing in bonds and bond funds can help you pursue financial goals, but consider the risks and rewards first.
Do You Know Who Your Beneficiaries Are?
Valuable assets will convey directly to beneficiaries, regardless of instructions in a will.

Should You Pay Off Debt or Save for Retirement?
Should you pay off debt or save for retirement? That’s a good question. These points may help you decide.
Should You Sell When the Market Drops?
The stock market can take investors on a wild ride. Should you consider selling your stocks when the market drops?

Tax Reform: Changes for Individuals
In December 2017, Congress passed a sweeping tax-cut package that fundamentally changes the individual tax landscape.

Full Employment: What Happens Now?
The current employment picture and why the labor force may continue to hold back the U.S. economy.
The Economic Impact of the 2017 Hurricanes
The potential economic impact of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria on a local and national level.
Digital Deception: Current Trends in Cybercrime
An overview of recent developments in cybersecurity and tips that could help protect sensitive account information.
Trade Tariffs
The U.S. is using tariffs to force the hands of trading partners and narrow the deficit. As a result, the disruption of global trade could affect economic growth.
Wage Growth: Watch for a Tipping Point
The factors that may be restraining workers' wages and the economic implications of continued weakness or a sudden surge.
Low Volatility: Calm Before the Storm?
Several key factors have helped calm the U.S. stock markets, but consider the potential for future volatility.
Automating the American Workforce
What current trends in workforce automation could mean for U.S. workers, industries, and the broader economy.
Rising Rates: The Fed Takes Next Step Toward Normal
The possible implications for consumers and investors when the Federal Reserve raises short-term interest rates.
The Fed's Rate Moves and Inflation
Find out how high the federal funds rate has climbed since last year, and what the Fed is keeping an eye on now.
Navigating Your Social Security Statement
Your personal Social Security statement contains estimates of your retirement, disability, and survivor benefits.
Social Security Announces 2024 COLA
The Social Security Administration has announced a modest cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for 2024.
2024 Federal Income Tax Brackets
Here are the 2024 federal income tax brackets and standard deduction amounts for single and joint filers.
2024 Federal Income Tax Brackets
Here are the 2024 federal income tax brackets and standard deduction amounts for single and joint filers.