Our Investment Process

How We Are Different

F3 Advisors does many of the same things that conventional advisors do:

  • Monitor and Extrapolate Economic, Market and Entity (Company) Fundamentals
  • Monitor and Adjust Allocations and Accounts due to Technical Factors
  • Monitor Macroeconomic Developments:
    • Global developments
    • Central Bank developments
    • Regulatory developments
  • Monitor Client Objectives including Time Frames targeted, and Risk Tolerance

What we do quite a bit differently, arrives in our portfolio design, in our investment selection, in our tactical allocations, and importantly in your ‘big picture’

As stated, our goal is not to shepherd people into a dominant level of paper assets and wrap fees around them. We strive to focus on probabilities not only for traditional assets (stocks, bonds and cash), but for other assets like real property, commodities and precious metals.

You should consider your ability to hold real property (outright ownership of it where possible, as little debt as manageable), and probabilities of your ownership of real assets being threatened.

In clients’ paper assets, we focus not only on our expectations about probable price movement, but conversion probabilities for any real assets held in paper form initially, and also on the underlying unit of measurement: your currency.

For non-traditional assets like real property, we focus on not only the percentage you may own, but the form in which you own it, where it is ‘held’, and your ability to retain it, safeguard it, and transport it if applicable.

1. Real Estate
  • Where is it located? Locale, is it stable financially, politically, and in regulation?
  • What is the amount financed versus equity held by you?
  • One property? Multiple properties?

2. Precious Metals (PMs)
  • Which PM, what form, what specific holdings, what ratio gold/silver and why?
  • Held where? Paper form for convenience? Which ones? Physical conversion?
  • If physical, by you? At bank? At depository? Elsewhere?
  • Understand the process and key decisions to be made.

3. Paper Assets
  • Allocation mix, modern portfolio theory or tactically weighted or both?
  • Who is product provider? Do they support your values? Strategy? Cost?
  • Characteristics of holdings used? Do they reflect price direction you seek?
  • Probability you can convert paper to real assets, commodities, etc.
As always, more detailed information available upon request.

F3 Advisors, LLC does not give specific advice on real property, commodities or precious metals, but consider pertinent factors, metrics  and general risks and rewards of property acquisition or disposal.  While F3A recognizes that it may be unwise to hold all assets in 'paper' form, and we may share knowledge of existing entities like Dealers, Custodians and Depositories, real property acquisition is ultimately the decision of the client.  Our role is to educate, encourage focus on important factors, and enable clients to reduce the risk of making uninformed or incomplete decisions.

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